Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Success is always simple. Rather it comes to those who can keep it simple. Aggression though can be used to intimidate one's opponents, can seldom win them over. And... things get tricky when your only opponent is yourself.
Why am I writing this... you may ask... well... it is primarily because... I have just realized that I live and work in a hostile environment... and all of these hostilities seem so... only because I tend to view it that way.
Hence... there is a need to keep it simple... simple to solve the tough problems that lay ahead!
Being simple... also makes one humble... and humility is priceless when you are challenged.


All this definitely does sound good... but what do I do if sarcasm and aggression are qualities that come naturally to me. And... from the pedestal where I stand now... I look around only to find fools. People whose sorry existence... ashames me, and it hurts to see that they simply fail to see the big picture.
Having made such a strong statement... I must add that although you may be convinced that I referring to real people around me... that is infact not the case. And... any such link if found should be deemed as a mere coincidence and nothing more. I say this... despite the fact that the conspiracy theorist in me... would always goad you to believe otherwise!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Men will pursue!!!

This is a comment I posted on a blog entry... for some reason, I felt that I had to write something. Not because I believe that MEN have some eternal right over WOMEN... but because Men behave the way they do for a reason. And it is essential for us to understand that reason; before we jump into conclusions, and go ahead and commit a character assassination.

The following is my complete comment with some minor edits... primarily done with the aim to protect the identity of the person who put up the original post. If I am allowed to publish the original post here, I shall put up a link here... but till a time that happens... you would have to bear with this!

Anyways... coming back to my point... Men would pursue no matter what... I
guess they are programmed to behave that way. I do understand that most of this
highly disturbing for you... or anyone for that matter... being pursued is not
the best thing that can happen... especially if it is something that you didn't
wish for!

Most men... do know when to stop... but that again is
extremely subjective.

Some give up the chase at the first major "NO"
sign. But when such a thing happens... men take a hard hit on their self esteem.
It is perhaps as if they feel they lost their chance at being the Alpha-Male.

Some others... take their chase to the very end... mostly their own end.
Such men are classic examples of what is socially accepted as a LOSER!

The more smarter men... give up the chase only to pick it up again at a
more opportune moment. In my opinion thats the best thing that could be done...
when things are not particularly conducive for the chase. And... personally I
would classify myself to belong to this league.

Perhaps you would also
agree to the same... :)


I must also confess that the comment above is perhaps a stereotypical take on our society. Most such stereotypes are soon fading away as many of our social constructs that defined things around us; are becoming weaker. And whether or not this is to be appreciated can be debated upon... and for that I shall put up another post... once I have collected enough fodder to present my case. Till then... peace!!!