Thursday, October 26, 2006


It is indeed strange that it is always people whom you care have the potential to hurt you the most! Does that mean one should never ever care for anyone... well... caring for someone has its own advantages... you gain the slim chance of getting things done... that would normally never be done for you.

So... what is the solution...

One possibility is that you could choose to be a weasel... one with a slippery tongue. But here there is a potent risk... if the word gets out that you are an oppurtunistic bugger... it is very rare that you would get enough people to be nice to you.

The second possibility is to do it all yourself. To hell with the world around you... you do know that you came alone... and that you would leave alone... so why not lead a life in solitude? The arguement has weight... but is easier said than done. All of us are social creatures... we thrive on our contacts... and most of our ambitions rest solely on how we deal with others... a loner would be an eventual loser in such a world.

Numero trois: My favourite... stay focussed and be formal... two qualities of a weasel... and be nice and transparent to folks around. Honesty with a dash of cleverness can actually win so many hearts around you that you'd actually be excused for a heinious crime! Infact... you may do a bad deed... but the trick is to be one of the good guys.

So long!


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